The Curse of the UFOs

The Curse of the UFOs


I imagine several knitters/crocheters out there can relate. You walk into a store and see a skein of wool that you must have. Perhaps you purchased some delicious wool to make a project for yourself and a baby shower or birthday comes up so you put down the project for yourself and start a new one. Voila a new UFO (unfinished object is born).


I have decided to put an end to this madness in my stash. This New Year’s resolution to myself is to finish as many UFOs as possible. Perhaps you can join me and ditch your current New Year’s resolutions chances are you have already ditched them yourself, unless you one of the few people that have strong will power and have powered through January).


Here is our 5 Step Plan:


  1. Go through your wool stash locations (including your secret stash locations) and collect all your UFOs in one spot.


Don’t be scared it will be a therapeutic experience I promise. You maybe a little surprised to see just how many UFOs you have accumulated.IMG_3787

  1. Make a realistic list of which items you want to complete in the next year.


I am picking 5 projects to complete over the course of the year. Be mindful of the amount of time each project will take to complete. If you have chosen a sweater you may only try and tackle 2 or 3 projects for the year.

  1. Plan your course of action!


Determine the order you want to complete the projects in. Mark down your start date and your target completion dates on your calendar. Keep your first project out and accessible so you will be tempted to work on it.


  1. Share your plan with others.


This will help you stay accountable. Join me on my Facebook page and post a picture of your current UFO project you are working on.


  1. Post a picture of your finished UFO!

Post to my Facebook page and congratulate yourself for finishing a UFO. Doesn’t it feel good to complete a project? Just think of all the room you have made in your wool stash, just waiting to be filled again. Just kidding (sort of).




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