
Thanks for stopping by Howling Hills Studio!

Hi there! My name is Heather, I live in a small town in Northern Ontario with my husband and our dogs.

Howling Hills Studio is my space where I get to let my creative side run wild. My current focus is creating fibre flair.

How it all began…….

When I was 16 my mother typed up my resume because she decided I needed a job. She presented me with 20 resumes during breakfast and told me I needed to get out there and start earning money. So I drove over to Michael’s the Arts & Crafts Superstore and dropped off my resume. I got interviewed and hired on the spot. Returning home within the hour with 19 out of 20 copies of my resume.  I started the next day.

That was the beginning of the end.   I met my first business partner there and we entered craft shows together.  Michael’s allowed me to teach kids classes, birthday parties and do demos. This is where I got the crafting bug. I always loved art but never felt I was good at fine art.  Little did my mother know she had created a monster, I probably spent more money on craft supplies then I made.

Creative Giving

To this day I try to make most of my gifts and love teaching others how to make gifts and become more creative with their giving. To me creative giving is my passion, it fills my soul. I am always grateful for Christmas time because it gives me an excuse to give gifts to others.

My passion is creative giving, I spend a lot of time and energy making gifts, creating lessons,  planning and preparing meals, and thinking about how I can help others in my life.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my site.

Take care, Heather

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